test 1 2 3
The is a test. This is only a test. I swear to fucking god if you so much as start the breath that leads to the enunsiation of a phrase that has anything to do with spelling or grammer corrections I will find out where you live and mis-spell every word you see for an entire day.
I love flagrant cursing. Especially when it's mixed with "God" or "Jesus". It's so edgy. The world needs more of this sort of edgy and provocative talk. Charming.
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Posted twice by accident. Don't worry, nothing interesting was removed.
Cursing doesn't need an explanation. It is what it is. I have no problem with it. It's a form of expression. I believe there's a time and place for it. Certainly RJ has the right to curse however he pleases on his blog.
My blog reflects the way I talk. Perhaps you've never heard me speak. Or maybe you've heard, but never really "listened."
I rarely listen... My round about statement is basically me commenting that: The combination of cursing with any sort of iconic religious figurehead is a form of social ignorance. It's like using vulgar racial slang. In this case it offends a person's faith and belief system. Chances are - you're fine with that. Just my opinion. It's a touchy subject because everyone should enjoy their freedom of speech.
I'm not going to "tell" anyone what they should say or do - but actions have reactions [ or so I've noticed ].
Most racists might think twice about using the word "nigger" in the presence of an African American. They save their nasty little terminologies for their like-minded friends. Even most racists use a little tact.
However, you can never be sure of what sort of religious beliefs your friends or even strangers have without asking. It makes sense that mixing a negative curse/swear word with a religious reference can upset someone in the same way. It's offensive. Of course, cursing/swearing is mostly offensive, but this sort of thing can be offensive on a more personal level. Funny how many people never put that together.
Talking in such a way in mixed company seems socially ignorant. Especially so in cases that one isn't ignorant of another's beliefs or they're just being intentionally obtuse and indifferent to the nature of someone else's feelings.
Just my opinion. Carry on with your world commentaries.
I don't accept the premise. Race and religion are not the same thing. One can be chosen and one can't. Though that's neither here nor there.
Someone's chosen to follow religion x? That person is offended by disparaging remarks re that religion? Okay.
There are a lot of comedians who curse and have disdain for religion. Are they ignorant (socially or otherwise)? Probably. Or maybe, they are using "heightened" (read: offensive) language to make a point. Actually, it's probably both. But, hey, if people weren't at least a little ignorant (read: intentionally obtuse and indifferent to the nature of someone else's feelings), they'd never say anything for fear that they might offend.
What about an author who has a racist (read: ignorant) character in a blog -- I mean book -- and that character goes around saying awful, offensive things? What to do, what to do... I suppose if you're offended by the very concept of racist material, you would determine that the blog -- again, I apologize, I meant to say book -- in question is offensive. Would it matter if it were "Mississippi Burning?"
All that said, I have a certain disdain for organized religion. That's my thing. And in my blog, there'll be quite a lot of my thing.
But what do I know. I'm a fucking dog.
As far as use of the word "nigger" stay tuned for today's post...
I never said Race and Religion were the same thing. I said that slander towards either is offensive.
I'm glad you're okay with offending people and their religion. It breeds good karma.
Comedians say a lot offensive things. Comedians, RJ? That's your justification? Because some people laugh at their jokes that may be aimed at some racial stereotype or religious group? Because people make fun of it - it's okay to hurt someone's feelings? I guess those kids that pick on other kids in the playground are justified if they're laughing while they're doing it. Some comedians can be quite offensive. Either you share their opinion on a subject or you don't. But it's not an argument for championing disrespectful conduct. They're on a stage, performing. I wonder how their snappy/witty observations would fair among the people they slander...? But I guess they have a right to their opinion. Hitler had an opinion too. Maybe we should respect his opinion. But he wasn't a comedian... I see your point.
Heightened language? I'm not sure I'm intelligent to understand the concept where Heightened Language equals foul language. Foul language is meant to illicit a shock reaction to some degree.
The statement "But, hey, if people weren't at least a little ignorant , they'd never say anything for fear that they might offend" rings true. What is your point? Basically you're saying that ignorant people don't know better and land up offending people at times. That's a good thing? Why?
An author that uses a fictional character to illustrate the ignorance of racism... Why would that offend me? The fictional character in question is generally the "bad guy" and lands up somehow being punished for his/her cruel behavior. If the fictional character in question was somehow the hero I probably wouldn't be too fond of the character and might not like the book. I probably wouldn't read it. That's not to say you shouldn't read it.
You have every right to dislike religion or anything else that rubs you the wrong way.
Technically, slander is spoken. What we have here is libel. Of course neither can really apply in this situation since the target is a concept and not a specific person or entity.
I guess what I was trying to say is that you draw a lot of conclusions based on false logic because they ring true on a emotional level. Of course it's not okay to hurt someone's feelings so long as people are laughing. Of course kids on the playground who make fun of other kids are wrong to do that.
What do those emotionally compelling images have to do with my blog, again?
And Hitler? Come on, dude.
I'd be right on board with you if I had written that John Smith is an idiot for believing in demonic possessions. And John would have every right to be pissed off. But I didn't say that. I said believing in demonic possessions is stupid. That's my opinion. It's not an insult.
If you have a different opinion, post it. The means (offensive or otherwise) by which I chose to express my opinion isn't really up for debate.
And, no, I'm not okay with offending people and their religions, I think you read the intention of that second paragraph wrong. It was meant to lead into the comedian argument. As in "Okay..."
What I am going to do is write down what's on my mind and I think here, really, is where our disagreement lay. You and I approach the blog format in a different way. I actually view it as a performance.
But while you take exception to the occasional profane, sac-religious musing on my blog, keep in mind that many, many people are deeply offended by the fact that their children have access to the scantily clad, sexual suggestive pictures occasionally posted on yours.
Re-post. Re-post. I did nothing. I swear.
I could care less what you feel about John Smith. That's your opinion. I am simply offended by things like the random expletive "F'ing God" phrase when you post. But - it's your blog, you're entitled to speak and express your thoughts in whatever manner you choose. And, I can be offended by the way you do so.
I found the Comedian argument a cop out in the same way you found the Hitler thing a cop out. I just feel that's like saying it's okay to refer to women as 'whore's' because musicians [ some rappers ] do in their lyrics. It doesn't really work that way. Some people are still offended by it even though the recording artists are selling records. Public speakers have a right to speak their mind and public listeners have a right to be offended. I'm not debating any of that with you.
I was merely informing you that I take offense to slanderous Christian based phrases. To be honest, I don't take offense to slanderous phrases about other religions BUT I don't slander them myself because I think that would be hypocritical of me. If I want my beliefs respected then I need to respect the beliefs of others. So I just keep my mouth shut.
You don't. I still think you're marvelous.
Three things:
1. You're right.
2. I'm sorry you were offended.
3. It'll probably happen again.
Two more:
1. When god is spelled with a lower case "g" as I did in my post--it's not a reference to the Christian God of the Bible. It's just a word. As in "the god Thor." So when I type f-ing god, that has nothing to do with Jesus.
2. The dude in the CNN story was a full-on huckster who took advantage of people of genuine faith and he was the mother-cunting preacher to which I was referring.
I do occasionally use Jesus as an expletive. Sorry that offends.
Whoops, that was three more things. I hope you don't delete your posts. It's a good argument.
Thanks. I appreciate it.
BTW, I didn't really have anything to say about the CNN guy. I believe that's from the post you made a few days later. I never commented on that. I'm sure the guy is a nut job though.
See you at mass on Sunday.
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