i am doG. Parental Advisory

Inspired by a friend who always tries to be the best.

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Location: Los Angeles

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East Side, West Side, Middle Side? or Anywhere But Delaware

So, I'm sure everyone's seen the whole Cupcake Rap/SNL/Chronicles of Narnia/Lazy Sunday thing, right? Well, apparently there was a "West Coast" response called Lazy Monday because... well, it's Los Angeles, see, and nobody works. Get it? Anyway, nice idea, could have been funny. Unfortunately it isn't -- not really. The problem with the LA rap is that it just sort of indicates to you that this bit right here is funny. Seriously. You should laugh at this. It's really funny. But it's actually just a lifeless list of LA-specific, pop-culture references, which isn't where the comedy of the first piece is at all. Lazy Sunday is funny because the two guys take what they are saying deadly serious. The LA guys don't pull it off. The guys below do. It's almost better than the original. Plus, I kind of know the Kirby guy. Check it out:

Lazy Muncie

And for those of you who can't go a day without being disgusted I submit the following reason to avoid Delaware.

Teacher had sex with 13-year-old student 28 times in one week


Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

Are you saying Lazy Muncie is as funny as the SNL Narnia/Lazy Sunday thing?

You're not exactly clear.

April 04, 2006 8:52 PM  
Blogger Norm said...


April 04, 2006 10:09 PM  
Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

You can't be serious? Or perhaps, that is YOUR ultimate joke.

I watched the Muncie thing and it was sort of poor man's homage to the SNL video. I can't imagine how bad Lazy Monday is in comparison.

I think you might be jadded because Kirby is a friend of yours.

Why not, oh I don't know, come up with something original? Maybe even something that isn't a play on a rap song...? This is sorta been there done that, IMO.

April 04, 2006 10:16 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

As a poor man, I'm not sure I appreciate your use of my identity as a derogatory term. But you go ahead. It must be nice to have money.

April 04, 2006 11:38 PM  
Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

Your next Milk Bone is on me!

April 05, 2006 12:12 AM  
Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

Some of the other teachers looked pretty nice. It's gotta be a power thing.

April 05, 2006 11:16 AM  
Blogger brandy said...

OK, outside of ugly…she’s 5’0 tall and 165lbs!

And, 27 times in a week? I think she’s padding the stats. That’s 4 times a day (actually 3.85; perhaps that accounts for the oral)! Doesn’t she have to teach? What the hell is she doing all day? I understand the kid was drunk, he had beer goggles on. But 27 times? I don’t care how young you are, a buzz doesn’t last a week.

April 05, 2006 2:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Unfortunately, this is merely one of many reasons to stay the hell out of that state.

April 05, 2006 4:23 PM  
Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

Can't seem to post on your latest blog... I have to say that guy sounds like a real winner.

He'll get his. I've heard similar stories about other actors enduring stuff like that off camera. Zero respect.

April 05, 2006 9:12 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

I don't know what happened. Lost the whole post and had to re-write it. Maybe his PR people got to it.

April 05, 2006 11:31 PM  

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