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Enrique Murciano Is An Asshole? or Snakes On A Plane

The wife and I have this thing where we lie in bed every night and discuss the stuff that pissed us off that day. What event was upsetting, which parent was annoying, with whom did we interact that was an ass, etc. It's all very Hillstreet Blues.

So, last night she was telling me about a friend of hers who recently worked on Without A Trace. We'll call this friend, Frida.

Frida had heard that there was some tension on the set due to some diva issue among the cast. There's a lot of that in the entertainment industry, so she was not surprised when Enrique Murciano showed up and proceeded to announce in a ridiculously loud voice his opinion of the script: "Who would say this crap?" and "What idiot wrote this shit?" etc. Now, I've heard of this before. Rosa Blasi is famous for it but, hey, when you're on a winner like Strong Medicine you just can't help but feel a little superior. The best thing is that "the idiot who wrote that shit" is usually standing right there. Even if the writing is bad, there's tact and then there's Rosa.

Anyhoo, Frida's big scene is with this Murciano guy so she psychs herself up, sits down and delivers her first line and... he laughs. Did I mention it's a drama? He breaks character and laughs at her. They have to stop rolling. Seriously. And in the break this is what he tells her: "That line sounds so stupid when you say it." Look out girls, he's smart too.

Wait, it gets better. They move in for Frida's coverage, her close up, and while the cameras are rolling, off-camera, this guy -- this complete douche bag -- is, I swear to god, making faces. He's sitting, off-camera making full-on, cross-eyed, tongue-sticking-out, faces. Like a fucking five-year-old. Did I also forget to mention that Frida is supposed to cry in this scene?

Now Frida did not do what I would have done. She did not give Enrigay Douche Bag Murciano an uppercut while he had his tongue stuck out. No. Frida finished her day and went home. She is a professional, with a long, long resume. She's seen it all before.

I just have the one source and I can't be sure it actually happened like that, but if it did... What a shame Mamma Murciano didn't abort. I mean, I could understand if you were, say, Rosa Blasi but come on, I had to go to IMDB just to figure out who this guy was.

I'm right about this, right? I mean, is this beyond the pale or is it just snakes on a plane? You tell me.

For more information about Snakes On A Plane press 1


Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

I commented on the post below because Blogger was a bit messed up yesterday. What a tool.

But I gotta say:"Snakes on a Plane"?!?!?

I think that has as much staying power as "Gotta Fled" from the movie "Fled"...

Snakes on a Plane? I've never heard of this and I doubt many other people have experienced this sort of occurence. Shit DOES happen. Snakes on a plane? I guess...

April 06, 2006 11:28 AM  
Blogger Norm said...

I wondered as well. Apparently, I need wonder no more.

April 06, 2006 1:32 PM  
Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

That's why I'm here!

April 06, 2006 2:00 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Actually I was responding to Rapp's post. But, I guess it applys to yours too :)

April 06, 2006 3:02 PM  
Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

April 06, 2006 3:10 PM  
Blogger Urban Barbarian said...

Rapp is an attention monger. ANYTIME I'm getting any sort of attention he jumps right in like a tick on a wart hog's pimpled hind quarters and tries to steal my legendary thunder.

Well, I won't have it.

April 06, 2006 3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen these posts just now. I am writing from Italy. I just want to say that what Mr. Murciano said was exactly what I had been saying over and over while watching wat, since the lines they made him say were "boiate"; and being a fine actor he had to repeat what some "....." writer had written for his character ( Danny was the most intense of that show). The proper translation of "boiate" would be too bad a word:let's say "inanity". Above all after season 3. I have always been wondering why he and Close and MJB wasted their time in such a stupid, meanigless soap opera,which had started as a "nice" FBI drama...Luisa G.

October 30, 2011 3:18 PM  

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